Our Title software



Click above on the “GET AN INSTANT CLOSING QUOTE” or click the Widget on the bottom right of our website to access our closing portal. Also, once in the widget, you can sign up for a Qualia account to get instant online and mobile access to quotes that include Settlement Fees, State & County transfer taxes and more!


Qualia simplifies real estate closing with an end-to-end experience that’s straightforward, secure and convenient:

Consumers – Get real-time updates on your closing at any time with easy-to-use web and mobile apps
Lenders – Order closings directly through Qualia, then receive real-time updates as key milestones are reached.
Realtors – Increase visibility into your business’s performance and avoid using multiple tools to complete one transaction.
QUALIA title software leads the industry in Security and Privacy. Qualia regularly undergoes independent third-party evaluations by the industry’s leading auditors to ensure they comply with industry best practices. Qualia also maintains vigorous security certifications, including ALTA’s Best Practices Pillar 3 for Privacy, SOC 2 Information Security Certification, and ISO/IEC 27001 certification.